Mohini Pooja Huggahalli (2023) |
Imperative Existence of Green Skills for Sustainable Green Entrepreneurship |
International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals Opportunities, Challenges
and Future (Volumes I and II), (ISBN: 978-93-95944-53-3) |
Mohini Pooja Huggahalli (7th & 8th April 2023) |
Presented Paper on the Topic “A Systematic Literature Review on Higher Education
Institution Practices Fostering Leadership Skills of Industry 4.0 |
Engineering and Management Students” at the International Conference on Management
Practices for Sustainable Future. |
Mohini Pooja Huggahalli (2023) |
Machine Learning Based Approach to Analyse the Influence of Statistical Models in
the Prediction of Trade and Commerce Values. |
India Patent No. 18/2023 Dated 05/05/2023 34458 Publication of the Patent Office,
India. |
Mohini Pooja Huggahalli (2023) |
Paper Publication on the Topic “Importance of Leadership Skills in Graduates:
Implications for Industry 4.0 Implementation And Industrial Needs” |
“Juni Khyat”, (ISSN: 2278-4632, 5(13)) |
Garg, A. and Ray, A. (2022) |
A Quantitative Exploration on Impact of Service Quality on Customer Experience in
Life Insurance Industry |
Empirical Economics Letters, 20(2). Pp. 193-208. |
Gaurav, K., Ray, A. S., & Sahu, N. K. (2020) |
Factors Determining the Role of Brand in Purchase Decision of Sportswear. |
PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(7), 2168-2186. |
Ray, A. and Gadiraju, A. (2020) |
Impact of Store Design on Customer Experience: A Quantitative Exploration. |
Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(18), pp. 3167-3177. |
Gaurav, K. and Ray, A. (2020) |
Exploring the Determinants of Customer Experiences and its Impact on Customer
Loyalty in Indian Telecom Industry. |
Test Engineering & Management, 83 (March-April), pp. 9071 -9085. |
Gaurav, K., & Ray, A. S. (2020) |
Impact of social media advertising on consumer buying behavior in Indian E-commerce
industry. |
Sumedha Journal of Management, 9(1), 41-51. |
Karunasree,P.and Sudhakar,A. (2018) |
A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards online banking services with reference to
ICICI and HDFC banks in Hyderabad and Secunderabad. |
IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882.
Karunasree,P.and Sudhakar,A. (2018) |
A Study on Customer Relationship Management Practices and Strategies with reference
to ICICI and HDFC banks in Hyderabad and Secunderabad |
JETIR April 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4.
Dr.Santosh,V.D., Karunasree,P.and Sudhakar,A. (2018) |
Technological take off in the banking industry – Inspira- Journal of Modern
Management & Entrepreneurship. |
(JMME) 123 ISSN: 2231–167X, General Impact Factor: 2.5442, Volume 08, No. 02, April,
2018, pp. 123-126.
Dr. Karunasree (2018) |
A Study on the Concept of Analysing e-CRM in Indian Banks. |
Volume-03 ISSN: 2455-3085 (Online) Issue-12 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of
Multidisciplinary December -2018.
Syed, M. A., Akkinapally, Y., & Ahmed, B. (2018) |
An Islamic Perspective of Business Finance (A Comparative Study with Conventional
and Capitalistic Financing) |
International Journal of Management Studies, 5(1), 4.
Yugendhar, A., & Ali, S. M. (2017) |
International Business, Finance and Accounting A Comprehensive Study on Corporate
Governance in an International Context. |
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), 7(5), 172-177.
Yugendhar, A., & Ali, S. M. (2017) |
International Business, Finance and Accounting A Comprehensive Study on Corporate
Governance in an International Context. |
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), 7(5), 172-177.
Yugendhar, A., & Ali, S. M. (2017) |
Evaluation of implementing holacracy, a comprehensive study on Zappos. |
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), 7(5), 163-171.
Ali, S. M., Faiyaz, F., & Ahmed, B. (2017) |
Demonetization Impact on Black Money, Counterfeit Currency and Corruption. |
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), 7(3), 406-410.
Eragula, R. (2015) |
Confidence in Leadership. |
Advances in Economics and Business Management, 2(11), 1070-1072.
Eragula, R. (2015) |
A Blend of Integrity and Skill in Leadership |
Advances in Economics and Business Management, 2(11), 1067-1069.
Eragula, R. (2015) |
The Upshot of Social Alliance in Leadership |
International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy, 5(1), 173-179.
Eragula, R. (2015) |
The Eminence of Socially Inclined Leadership. |
International Journal of Management & Business Studies, 7(1), 2231-2463.
Eragula, R. (2015) |
Humility in leadership. |
Advances in Economics and Business Management, 2(8), 786-789.