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Research Paper Publications

Mohini Pooja Huggahalli (2023) Imperative Existence of Green Skills for Sustainable Green Entrepreneurship International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals Opportunities, Challenges and Future (Volumes I and II), (ISBN: 978-93-95944-53-3)
Mohini Pooja Huggahalli (7th & 8th April 2023) Presented Paper on the Topic “A Systematic Literature Review on Higher Education Institution Practices Fostering Leadership Skills of Industry 4.0 Engineering and Management Students” at the International Conference on Management Practices for Sustainable Future.
Mohini Pooja Huggahalli (2023) Machine Learning Based Approach to Analyse the Influence of Statistical Models in the Prediction of Trade and Commerce Values. India Patent No. 18/2023 Dated 05/05/2023 34458 Publication of the Patent Office, India.
Mohini Pooja Huggahalli (2023) Paper Publication on the Topic “Importance of Leadership Skills in Graduates: Implications for Industry 4.0 Implementation And Industrial Needs” “Juni Khyat”, (ISSN: 2278-4632, 5(13))
Garg, A. and Ray, A. (2022) A Quantitative Exploration on Impact of Service Quality on Customer Experience in Life Insurance Industry Empirical Economics Letters, 20(2). Pp. 193-208.
Gaurav, K., Ray, A. S., & Sahu, N. K. (2020) Factors Determining the Role of Brand in Purchase Decision of Sportswear. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(7), 2168-2186.
Ray, A. and Gadiraju, A. (2020) Impact of Store Design on Customer Experience: A Quantitative Exploration. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(18), pp. 3167-3177.
Gaurav, K. and Ray, A. (2020) Exploring the Determinants of Customer Experiences and its Impact on Customer Loyalty in Indian Telecom Industry. Test Engineering & Management, 83 (March-April), pp. 9071 -9085.
Gaurav, K., & Ray, A. S. (2020) Impact of social media advertising on consumer buying behavior in Indian E-commerce industry. Sumedha Journal of Management, 9(1), 41-51.
Karunasree,P.and Sudhakar,A. (2018) A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards online banking services with reference to ICICI and HDFC banks in Hyderabad and Secunderabad. IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882.
Karunasree,P.and Sudhakar,A. (2018) A Study on Customer Relationship Management Practices and Strategies with reference to ICICI and HDFC banks in Hyderabad and Secunderabad JETIR April 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4.
Dr.Santosh,V.D., Karunasree,P.and Sudhakar,A. (2018) Technological take off in the banking industry – Inspira- Journal of Modern Management & Entrepreneurship. (JMME) 123 ISSN: 2231–167X, General Impact Factor: 2.5442, Volume 08, No. 02, April, 2018, pp. 123-126.
Dr. Karunasree (2018) A Study on the Concept of Analysing e-CRM in Indian Banks. Volume-03 ISSN: 2455-3085 (Online) Issue-12 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary December -2018.
Syed, M. A., Akkinapally, Y., & Ahmed, B. (2018) An Islamic Perspective of Business Finance (A Comparative Study with Conventional and Capitalistic Financing) International Journal of Management Studies, 5(1), 4.
Yugendhar, A., & Ali, S. M. (2017) International Business, Finance and Accounting A Comprehensive Study on Corporate Governance in an International Context. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), 7(5), 172-177.
Yugendhar, A., & Ali, S. M. (2017) International Business, Finance and Accounting A Comprehensive Study on Corporate Governance in an International Context. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), 7(5), 172-177.
Yugendhar, A., & Ali, S. M. (2017) Evaluation of implementing holacracy, a comprehensive study on Zappos. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), 7(5), 163-171.
Ali, S. M., Faiyaz, F., & Ahmed, B. (2017) Demonetization Impact on Black Money, Counterfeit Currency and Corruption. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), 7(3), 406-410.
Eragula, R. (2015) Confidence in Leadership. Advances in Economics and Business Management, 2(11), 1070-1072.
Eragula, R. (2015) A Blend of Integrity and Skill in Leadership Advances in Economics and Business Management, 2(11), 1067-1069.
Eragula, R. (2015) The Upshot of Social Alliance in Leadership International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy, 5(1), 173-179.
Eragula, R. (2015) The Eminence of Socially Inclined Leadership. International Journal of Management & Business Studies, 7(1), 2231-2463.
Eragula, R. (2015) Humility in leadership. Advances in Economics and Business Management, 2(8), 786-789.