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Young Professionals Program


a. Concepts of Communication

  • Communication Process
  • 7 C’s of Communication.
    • Clear
    • Correct
    • Complete
    • Concrete
    • Concise
    • Considered
    • Courteous
  • Types of Communication
  • Effective Communication

The 7 C's of communication is a checklist that helps to improve your professional communication skills and increases the chance that your message/what you are trying to say will be understood in exactly the same way as it was intended. Learning to communicate effectively can help in all areas of career planning, such as maintaining good relationships in the workplace, job searching including completing applications and making speculative approaches.

b. Enhancing Communication Skills

  • Verbal Communication Skills
    • JAM
    • Repartee
  • Non- verbal Communication Skills
    • Guess the Emotion
  • Dimensions of Speech
  • Presentation
    • Pictorial Extempore
  • Vocabulary building

Guess the Emotion
It involves acting out and guessing emotions. This helps all participants practice empathy and better understand their coworkers or group members’ reactions

JAM (JUST A MINUTE): Just a Minute (JAM) Sessions are one-minute impromptu speeches

  • Assess a candidate's general knowledge and subject-specific expertise.
  • Determine the candidate's level of confidence.
  • Assess the candidate's communication abilities

One-on-one or group conversations are outstanding teaching tools that help students adapt, comprehend, and learn several effective methods of interpersonal communication. They also prepare students for public speaking.

*The focus of this activity is to give students a tone of opportunities and freedom to present a topic of their choice in any original way, whether through the use of audiovisual aids or anything else that comes to mind. To make it more engaging, there will be a scoring system, and through factors like language, body gestures, eye contact, and confidence, we will be able to evaluate their abilities and determine what else needs to be improved.

One of the key skill sets for students at higher education institutions is presentation ability. Students are urged to employ organized techniques to support their presentations in class in order to help them develop their presenting abilities. The major goal of placing a strong emphasis on presenting abilities in higher education is to promote professionalism in the classroom. Students may improve their presenting abilities utilizing cutting-edge technology in this age of technological innovation, which will strengthen their capacity to convey information in a professional manner.

The significance of presentation abilities in several spheres of life:

  • Effective presentations help with English speaking.
  • Presenting abilities aid in job advancement.
  • Has time management expertise.
  • Enthusiastic and appealing personalities are traits of effective speakers.
  • People-connection skills are aided by presentation abilities

*The facilitator shows the students various images during the activity and the students are expected to interpret, conjure up, and explain their own perspective.

An extempore speech is an impromptu speech which the candidate is required to make on a topic given there and then. No prior preparation would be permissible

The extempore presentation would evaluate the candidate on the following rules:-

  • Ability to think off the feet
  • Analysis of the topic and identification of the issue to be addressed
  • Idea generation
  • Prioritization and sequencing to display logical thinking
  • Ability to connect with the panel
  • Language Presentation

c. Grammatical Proficiency & Writing Skills

  • Parts of Speech
  • Articles
  • Active &Passive Voice
  • Reported Speech
  • Sentence Construction
  • Common grammatical errors
  • Understanding the audience
  • Paragraph Writing
  • Letter Writing
  • Business Communication


  • Self –Management
  • Presentation Skills
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Group Dynamics
    • Panorama
    • Table talk


The actual definition of table talk is it’s an informal conversation at or social talk of a celebrity recorded for publication but this has been modified into an activity where our students pretend to be some celebrities and address the gathering.

These activities help them develop a variety of expressive and creative skills, which makes them extremely enthusiastic about the learning process.

CREATE A CREATIVE PANORAMA: * The children may improve their psycho-motor and creative skills with this wonderful exercise.

At a cognitive level, children learn to concentrate, develop creativity, and improve memory and learning ability. Regarding motor development, psychomotor skills increase balance, control posture and, above all, help the child to know his body and its capabilities.

Finally, at the socio-affective level, children learn to relate to their peers and to feel safe with their emotions and feelings. In this way, it is easier for you to overcome your fears and raise your self-esteem.

Psychomotor skills help strengthen your personality.

  • Creativity engages the mind.
  • Creativity frees the mind in a way that enables a person to absorb knowledge more easily. It makes processing learning more efficient
  • Creativity enables alternative ways of thinking.
  • It unblocks old patterns or habits of thinking. It allows for non-linear thinking.
  • Creativity enables empathy.
  • Creativity connects us to ourselves.
  • It opens our hearts and doors to our mind. It brings us to hidden parts of ourselves. It allows recognition of uniqueness and identity. It can help draw out what is already there within – hidden talents and inner capacities can emerge. It connects us with our passions.
  • Creative participation nurtures a sense of togetherness.
  • It brings people together and can nurture skills in teamwork and cooperation.
  • Creativity challenges.
  • Creativity can connect reflection with action.
  • Creativity builds intercultural connections.


CV Preparation

  • What is a CV?
  • Who needs a CV?
  • How does a CV differ from Resume?
  • What makes a CV stand out?
  • Does your CV reflect your profile?
  • How descriptive is your CV?
  • How do you get start with your CV?

Group Discussions

  • Leadership Skills: ability to lead, inspire, carry the team along to help them to achieve group’s objectives.
  • Interpersonal Skills: ability to interact with other members of the group. Emotional maturity and balance, more people centric and less self centered.
  • Persuasive Skills: ability to analyze and persuade others to see the problem from multiple perspectives without hurting the other group members.
  • Problem Solving Skills: ability to come out with divergent and offbeat solutions and use one’s own creativity.
  • Conceptualization Skills: ability to grasp the situation, take it from the day to day problems.
  • Can you initiate the discussion?
  • Can you listen to others point of view?
  • During discussion: – Are you natural?
  • Do you speak to the point?
  • Are you loud and aggressive?
  • Do you interrupt other speakers?
  • Do you change opinions frequently?
  • Do you emotionally outburst?

Preparation for Interview

  • Are you aware of first impression in an interview?
  • How do you walkup to interview room?
  • Are you aware of how to enter the interview room?
  • How do you approach the interview members?
  • What should be your sitting posture in the interview room?
  • What should be your body language?
  • Are you nervous, insecure, and defensive, anger, dominant, disbelief, discomfort, and disagreed, disgust?

Negotiation Skills

  • How do you set the Agenda for the negotiation?
  • Communication with difficult people.
  • How do you handle difficult people?
  • How do you recognize and prioritize emotions of other people?
  • Are you competitive or Collaborative during negotiation?


  • Get the first impression well
  • Greet others & introduce yourself
  • Body language- speak well
  • Dressing sense- appeals to others